Items provided in your booth, per exhibitor:
8' High Backwall Drape with 3' High Sidewall Drape
7" x 44" Cardstock Identification Sign
6' x 30" Skirted Table - Grey
2 Side Chairs
1 Wastebasket
Show Drape Color(s): Plum, Grey
Aisle Carpet Color: Grey, Red
SACNAS � The National Diversity in STEM Conference
(Exhibiting Company Name, Booth #)
C/O Shepard Expo c/o Crane Worldwide Logistics
2800 S Gilbert Rd
Chandler, AZ 85286
SACNAS � The National Diversity in STEM Conference
(Exhibiting Company Name, Booth #)
C/O Shepard Exposition Services
Phoenix Convention Center
100 N 3rd St
Phoenix, AZ 85004