Items provided in your booth, per exhibitor:
8' High Backwall Drape with 3' High Sidewall Drape
7" x 44" Cardstock Identification Sign
Per ANCC Show Management, floor covering is required
for all booths. For any booths who have not ordered or
provided floor covering by 8:00AM Thursday, October
12th, it will be provided at the exhibitor�s expense.
The exhibitor is responsible for any costs involved to
fix their carpet should it be deemed unsafe by show
Show Drape Color(s): White
Aisle Carpet Color: Eclipse
ANCC National Magnet Conference(R) & Pathway to Excellence Conference(R)
(Exhibiting Company Name, Booth #)
C/O SES c/oTForce c/o Tradeshow Transport, LLC
2300 S. Throop Street
Chicago, IL 60608
ANCC National Magnet Conference(R) & Pathway to Excellence Conference(R)
(Exhibiting Company Name, Booth #)
C/O Shepard Exposition Services
McCormick Place
2301 S Lake Shore Dr.
Ste. 1001
Chicago, IL 60616